SciServer package

This python package provides functions for quick access of SciServer APIs (web services) and tools. SciServer ( provides a new online framework for data-intensive scientifc computing in the cloud, where the motto is to bring the computation close where the data is stored, and allow seamless access and sharing of big data sets within the scientific community.

Some SciServer tools you can access with this package:

  • Login Portal: Single sign-on portal to all SciServer applications.
    Although some tools accept anonymous access, you can use Authentication.login to login and access the tools and your own data and environment (after registering in the Login Portal). If you are running this package in a Jupyter Notebook in the SciServer-Compute environment, the use of Authentication.login is not necessary since it’s done automatically.
  • CasJobs: Database storage and querying.
    You can have access big databases, as well as save your data tables in your own database called ‘MyDB’. The user can run synchronous or asynchronous SQL queries and get the result back as an R data-frame (using CasJobs.executeQuery or CasJobs.submitJob, respectively). Uploading of CSV files or R data-frames into a database table can be done using CasJobs.uploadCSVToTable and CasJobs.uploadDataFrameToTable, respectively.
  • SciDrive: Drag-and-drop file storage and sharing.
    You can create directories in SciDrive using SciDrive.createContainer, upload a file to SciDrive using SciDrive.upload, and share its URL with your collaborators by using SciDrive.publicUrl.
  • SkyServer: Access to the SDSS astronomical survey.
    You can query the SDSS database using SkyServer.sqlSearch, run cone searches using SkyServer.radialSearch, or get cutout images from the sky using SkyServer.getJpegImgCutout, between other tasks.
  • SkyQuery: Cross-match of astronomical source catalogs.
    You can use this scalable database system for uploading your own catalogs and cross-matching them against huge astronomical source catalogs, or even cross-matching huge catalogs against each other!. Use SkyQuery.submitJob to run the cross-match, and use SkyQuery.listAllDatasets, SkyQuery.listDatasetTables and SkyQuery.listTableColumns to browse the catalogs and database schema.
  • Compute Jobs: Submission of Jupyter notebooks or shell commands as jobs
    You can execute whole Jupyter notebooks and shell commands as asynchronous batch jobs, as well as synchronous jobs.
  • SciQuery Jobs: Submission of SQL queries.
    You can execute synchronous or s synchronous SQL queries against Postgres and other database backends.
  • Files: Interaction with the SciServer file system.
    You can upload, and download data into your own file space in SciServer, as well as share data with your collaborators, between other things.


Maintainer: Manuchehr Taghizadeh-Popp <>

Authors: Gerard Lemson <>, Manuchehr Taghizadeh-Popp <>

Version: sciserver-v2.0.0

SciServer.CasJobs module

class SciServer.CasJobs.Task

Bases: object

The class TaskName stores the name of the task that executes the API call.

name = None

Cancels a job already submitted.

Parameters:jobId – id of job (integer)
Returns:Returns True if the job was canceled successfully.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error.
Example:response = CasJobs.cancelJob(CasJobs.submitJob(“select 1”))

See also

CasJobs.submitJob, CasJobs.waitForJob.

SciServer.CasJobs.executeQuery(sql, context='MyDB', format='pandas')

Executes a synchronous SQL query in a CasJobs database context.

  • sql – sql query (string)
  • context – database context (string)
  • format

    parameter (string) that specifies the return type:

    ’pandas’: pandas.DataFrame.

    ’json’: a JSON string containing the query results.

    ’dict’: a dictionary created from the JSON string containing the query results.

    ’csv’: a csv string.

    ’readable’: an object of type io.StringIO, which has the .read() method and wraps a csv string that can be passed into pandas.read_csv for example.

    ’StringIO’: an object of type io.StringIO, which has the .read() method and wraps a csv string that can be passed into pandas.read_csv for example.

    ’fits’: an object of type io.BytesIO, which has the .read() method and wraps the result in fits format.

    ’BytesIO’: an object of type io.BytesIO, which has the .read() method and wraps the result in fits format.


the query result table, in a format defined by the ‘format’ input parameter.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error. Throws an exception if parameter ‘format’ is not correctly specified.


table = CasJobs.executeQuery(sql=”select 1 as foo, 2 as bar”,format=”pandas”, context=”MyDB”)

See also

CasJobs.submitJob, CasJobs.getTables, SkyServer.sqlSearch


Shows the status of a job submitted to CasJobs.

Parameters:jobId – id of job (integer)
Returns:Returns a dictionary object containing the job status and related metadata. The “Status” field can be equal to 0 (Ready), 1 (Started), 2 (Canceling), 3(Canceled), 4 (Failed) or 5 (Finished). If jobId is the empty string, then returns a list with the statuses of all previous jobs.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error.
Example:status = CasJobs.getJobStatus(CasJobs.submitJob(“select 1”))

See also

CasJobs.submitJob, CasJobs.waitForJob, CasJobs.cancelJob.

SciServer.CasJobs.getNumpyArrayFromQuery(queryString, context='MyDB')

Executes a casjobs query and returns the results table as a Numpy array (

  • queryString – sql query (string)
  • context – database context (string)

Returns a Numpy array storing the results table.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error.


array = CasJobs.getNumpyArrayFromQuery(“select 1 as foo”, context=”MyDB”)

See also

CasJobs.submitJob, CasJobs.getJobStatus, CasJobs.executeQuery, CasJobs.writeFitsFileFromQuery, CasJobs.getPandasDataFrameFromQuery

SciServer.CasJobs.getPandasDataFrameFromQuery(queryString, context='MyDB')

Executes a casjobs quick query and returns the result as a pandas dataframe object with an index (

  • queryString – sql query (string)
  • context – database context (string)

Returns a Pandas dataframe containing the results table.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error.


df = CasJobs.getPandasDataFrameFromQuery(“select 1 as foo”, context=”MyDB”)

See also

CasJobs.submitJob, CasJobs.getJobStatus, CasJobs.executeQuery, CasJobs.writeFitsFileFromQuery, CasJobs.getNumpyArrayFromQuery


Returns the WebServiceID that identifies the schema for a user in MyScratch database with CasJobs.

Returns:WebServiceID of the user (string).
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error.
Example:wsid = CasJobs.getSchemaName()

See also



Gets the names, size and creation date of all tables in a database context that the user has access to.

Parameters:context – database context (string)
Returns:The result is a json object with format [{“Date”:seconds,”Name”:”TableName”,”Rows”:int,”Size”,int},..]
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error.
Example:tables = CasJobs.getTables(“MyDB”)

See also


SciServer.CasJobs.submitJob(sql, context='MyDB')

Submits an asynchronous SQL query to the CasJobs queue.

  • sql – sql query (string)
  • context – database context (string)

Returns the CasJobs jobID (integer).


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error.


jobid = CasJobs.submitJob(“select 1 as foo”,”MyDB”)

See also

CasJobs.executeQuery, CasJobs.getJobStatus, CasJobs.waitForJob, CasJobs.cancelJob.

SciServer.CasJobs.uploadCSVDataToTable(csvData, tableName, context='MyDB')

Uploads CSV data into a CasJobs table.

  • csvData – a CSV table in string format.
  • tableName – name of CasJobs table to be created.
  • context – database context (string)

Returns True if the csv data was uploaded successfully.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error.


csv = CasJobs.getPandasDataFrameFromQuery(“select 1 as foo”, context=”MyDB”).to_csv().encode(“utf8”); response = CasJobs.uploadCSVDataToTable(csv, “NewTableFromDataFrame”)

See also


SciServer.CasJobs.uploadPandasDataFrameToTable(dataFrame, tableName, context='MyDB')

Uploads a pandas dataframe object into a CasJobs table. If the dataframe contains a named index, then the index will be uploaded as a column as well.

  • dataFrame – Pandas data frame containg the data (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)
  • tableName – name of CasJobs table to be created.
  • context – database context (string)

Returns True if the dataframe was uploaded successfully.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error.


response = CasJobs.uploadPandasDataFrameToTable(CasJobs.getPandasDataFrameFromQuery(“select 1 as foo”, context=”MyDB”), “NewTableFromDataFrame”)

See also


SciServer.CasJobs.waitForJob(jobId, verbose=False, pollTime=5)

Queries regularly the job status and waits until the job is completed.

  • jobId – id of job (integer)
  • verbose – if True, will print “wait” messages on the screen while the job is still running. If False, will suppress the printing of messages on the screen.
  • pollTime – idle time interval (integer, in seconds) before querying again for the job status. Minimum value allowed is 5 seconds.

After the job is finished, returns a dictionary object containing the job status and related metadata. The “Status” field can be equal to 0 (Ready), 1 (Started), 2 (Canceling), 3(Canceled), 4 (Failed) or 5 (Finished).


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error.


CasJobs.waitForJob(CasJobs.submitJob(“select 1”))

See also

CasJobs.submitJob, CasJobs.getJobStatus, CasJobs.cancelJob.

SciServer.CasJobs.writeFitsFileFromQuery(fileName, queryString, context='MyDB')

Executes a quick CasJobs query and writes the result to a local Fits file (

  • fileName – path to the local Fits file to be created (string)
  • queryString – sql query (string)
  • context – database context (string)

Returns True if the fits file was created successfully.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the CasJobs API returns an error.


CasJobs.writeFitsFileFromQuery(“/home/user/myFile.fits”,”select 1 as foo”)

See also

CasJobs.submitJob, CasJobs.getJobStatus, CasJobs.executeQuery, CasJobs.getPandasDataFrameFromQuery, CasJobs.getNumpyArrayFromQuery

SciServer.Config module


Checks whether the library is being run within the SciServer-Compute environment.

Returns:Returns True if the library is being run within the SciServer-Compute environment, and False if not.

SciServer.Authentication module

class SciServer.Authentication.KeystoneUser

Bases: object

The class KeystoneUser stores the ‘id’ and ‘name’ of the user.

id = None
token = None
userName = None
class SciServer.Authentication.Token

Bases: object

The class token stores the authentication token of the user in a particular session.

value = None


Deprecated. Use Authentication.getToken instead.

Returns the users keystone token passed into the python instance with the –ident argument.

Returns:authentication token (string)
Example:token = Authentication.getKeystoneToken()

See also

Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token, Authentication.getToken.


Returns the name and Keystone id of the user corresponding to the specified token.

Parameters:token – Sciserver’s authentication token (string) for the user.
Returns:Returns a KeystoneUser object, which stores the name and id of the user.
Raises:Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error.
Example:token = Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken(Authentication.getToken())

See also

Authentication.getToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken.


Returns the SciServer authentication token of the user. First, will try to return Authentication.token.value. If Authentication.token.value is not set, Authentication.getToken will try to return the token value in the python instance argument variable “–ident”. If this variable does not exist, will try to return the token stored in Config.KeystoneTokenFilePath. Will return a None value if all previous steps fail.

Returns:authentication token (string)
Example:token = Authentication.getToken()

See also

Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token.


Returns the name of the python instance argument variable where the user token is stored.

Returns:name (string) of the python instance argument variable where the user token is stored.
Example:name = Authentication.identArgIdentifier()

See also

Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.getToken, Authentication.token.

SciServer.Authentication.login(UserName=None, Password=None)

Logs the user into SciServer and returns the authentication token. This function is useful when SciScript-Python library methods are executed outside the SciServer-Compute environment. In this case, the session authentication token does not exist (and therefore can’t be automatically recognized), so the user has to use Authentication.login in order to log into SciServer manually and get the authentication token. Authentication.login also sets the token value in the python instance argument variable “–ident”, and as the local object Authentication.token (of class Authentication.Token).

  • UserName – name of the user (string). If not set, then a user name prompt will show.
  • Password – password of the user (string). If not set, then a password prompt will show.

authentication token (string)


Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error.


token1 = Authentication.login(); token2 = Authentication.login(‘loginName’,’loginPassword’);

See also

Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.getToken, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token.



Deprecated. Use Authentication.setToken instead.

Sets the token as the –ident argument

Parameters:_token – authentication token (string)

See also

Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token, Authentication.getToken.


Sets the SciServer authentication token of the user in the variable Authentication.token.value, as well as in the python instance argument variable “–ident”.

Parameters:_token – Sciserver’s authentication token for the user (string)

See also

Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.getToken, Authentication.token.

SciServer.LoginPortal module

class SciServer.LoginPortal.KeystoneUser

Bases: object


Deprecated. Use SciServer.Authentication.KeystoneUser instead.

The class KeystoneUser stores the ‘id’ and ‘name’ of the user.

id = 'KeystoneID'
userName = 'User Name'


Deprecated. Use Authentication.getToken instead.

Returns the users keystone token passed into the python instance with the –ident argument.

Returns:authentication token (string)
Example:token = Authentication.getKeystoneToken()

See also

Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token, Authentication.getToken.



Deprecated. Use SciServer.Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken instead.

Returns the name and Keystone id of the user corresponding to the specified token.

Parameters:token – Sciserver’s authentication token (string) for the user.
Returns:Returns a KeystoneUser object, which stores the name and id of the user.
Raises:Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error.
Example:token = Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken(Authentication.getToken())

See also

Authentication.getToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken.



Deprecated. Use SciServer.Authentication.getToken instead.

Returns the SciServer authentication token of the user. First, will try to return Authentication.token.value. If Authentication.token.value is not set, Authentication.getToken will try to return the token value in the python instance argument variable “–ident”. If this variable does not exist, will try to return the token stored in Config.KeystoneTokenFilePath. Will return a None value if all previous steps fail.

Returns:authentication token (string)
Example:token = Authentication.getToken()

See also

Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token.



Deprecated. Use SciServer.Authentication.identArgIdentifier instead.

Returns the name of the python instance argument variable where the user token is stored.

Returns:name (string) of the python instance argument variable where the user token is stored.
Example:name = Authentication.identArgIdentifier()

See also

Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.getToken, Authentication.token.

SciServer.LoginPortal.login(UserName, Password)


Deprecated. Use SciServer.Authentication.login instead.

Logs the user into SciServer and returns the authentication token. This function is useful when SciScript-Python library methods are executed outside the SciServer-Compute environment. In this case, the session authentication token does not exist (and therefore can’t be automatically recognized), so the user has to use Authentication.login in order to log into SciServer manually and get the authentication token. Authentication.login also sets the token value in the python instance argument variable “–ident”, and as the local object Authentication.token (of class Authentication.Token).

  • UserName – name of the user (string)
  • Password – password of the user (string)

authentication token (string)


Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error.


token = Authentication.login(‘loginName’,’loginPassword’)

See also

Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.getToken, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token.



Deprecated. Use Authentication.setToken instead.

Sets the token as the –ident argument

Parameters:_token – authentication token (string)

See also

Authentication.getKeystoneUserWithToken, Authentication.login, Authentication.setToken, Authentication.token, Authentication.getToken.

SciServer.SciDrive module

class SciServer.SciDrive.Task

Bases: object

The class TaskName stores the name of the task that executes the API call.

name = None

Creates a container (directory) in SciDrive

Parameters:path – path of the directory in SciDrive.
Returns:Returns True if the container (directory) was created successfully.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SciDrive API returns an error.
Example:response = SciDrive.createContainer(“MyDirectory”)

See also



Deletes a file or container (directory) in SciDrive.

Parameters:path – path of the file or container (directory) in SciDrive.
Returns:Returns True if the file or container (directory) was deleted successfully.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SciDrive API returns an error. :example: response = SciDrive.delete(“path/to/SciDrive/file.csv”)

See also



Gets the contents and metadata of a SciDrive directory (or file).

Parameters:path – path of the directory (or file ) in SciDrive.
Returns:a dictionary containing info and metadata of the directory (or file).
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SciDrive API returns an error.
Example:dirList = SciDrive.directoryList(“path/to/SciDrive/directory”)

See also

SciDrive.upload,, format='text', localFilePath='')

Downloads a file (directory) from SciDrive into the local file system, or returns the file conetent as an object in several formats.

  • path – path of the file (or directory) in SciDrive.
  • format – type of the returned object. Can be “StringIO” (io.StringIO object containing readable text), “BytesIO” (io.BytesIO object containing readable binary data), “response” ( the HTTP response as an object of class requests.Response) or “text” (a text string). If the parameter ‘localFilePath’ is defined, then the ‘format’ parameter is not used and the file is downloaded to the local file system instead.
  • localFilePath – local path of the file to be downloaded. If ‘localFilePath’ is defined, then the ‘format’ parameter is not used.

If the ‘localFilePath’ parameter is defined, then it will return True when the file is downloaded successfully in the local file system. If the ‘localFilePath’ is not defined, then the type of the returned object depends on the value of the ‘format’ parameter (either io.StringIO, io.BytesIO, requests.Response or string).


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SciDrive API returns an error.


csvString =“path/to/SciDrive/file.csv”, format=”text”);

See also



Gets the public URL of a file (or directory) in SciDrive.

Parameters:path – path of the file (or directory) in SciDrive.
Returns:URL of a file in SciDrive (string).
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SciDrive API returns an error.
Example:url = SciDrive.publicUrl(“path/to/SciDrive/file.csv”)

See also


SciServer.SciDrive.upload(path, data='', localFilePath='')

Uploads data or a local file into a SciDrive directory.

  • path – desired file path in SciDrive (string).
  • data – data to be uploaded into SciDrive. If the ‘localFilePath’ parameter is set, then the local file will be uploaded instead.
  • localFilePath – path to the local file to be uploaded (string).

Returns an object with the attributes of the uploaded file.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SciDrive API returns an error.


response = SciDrive.upload(“/SciDrive/path/to/file.csv”, localFilePath=”/local/path/to/file.csv”)

See also


SciServer.SkyServer module

SciServer.SkyServer.getJpegImgCutout(ra, dec, scale=0.7, width=512, height=512, opt='', query='', dataRelease=None)

Gets a rectangular image cutout from a region of the sky in SDSS, centered at (ra,dec). Return type is numpy.ndarray.

  • ra – Right Ascension of the image’s center.
  • dec – Declination of the image’s center.
  • scale – scale of the image, measured in [arcsec/pix]
  • width – Right Ascension of the image’s center.
  • ra – Right Ascension of the image’s center.
  • height – Height of the image, measured in [pix].
  • opt

    Optional drawing options, expressed as concatenation of letters (string). The letters options are

    ”G”: Grid. Draw a N-S E-W grid through the center

    ”L”: Label. Draw the name, scale, ra, and dec on image.

    ”P PhotoObj. Draw a small cicle around each primary photoObj.

    ”S: SpecObj. Draw a small square around each specObj.

    ”O”: Outline. Draw the outline of each photoObj.

    ”B”: Bounding Box. Draw the bounding box of each photoObj.

    ”F”: Fields. Draw the outline of each field.

    ”M”: Masks. Draw the outline of each mask considered to be important.

    ”Q”: Plates. Draw the outline of each plate.

    ”I”: Invert. Invert the image (B on W).


  • query

    Optional string. Marks with inverted triangles on the image the position of user defined objects. The (RA,Dec) coordinates of these object can be given by three means:

    1. query is a SQL command of format “SELECT Id, RA, Dec, FROM Table”.
    2. query is list of objects. A header with RA and DEC columns must be included. Columns must be separated by tabs, spaces, commas or semicolons. The list may contain as many columns as wished.
    3. query is a string following the pattern: ObjType Band (low_mag, high_mag).
      ObjType: S | G | P marks Stars, Galaxies or PhotoPrimary objects.

      Band: U | G | R | I | Z | A restricts marks to objects with Band BETWEEN low_mag AND high_mag Band ‘A’ will mark all objects within the specified magnitude range in any band (ORs composition).


  • dataRelease – SDSS data release string. Example: dataRelease=’DR13’. Default value already set in SciServer.Config.DataRelease

Returns the image as a numpy.ndarray object.


Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyServer API returns an error.


img = SkyServer.getJpegImgCutout(ra=197.614455642896, dec=18.438168853724, width=512, height=512, scale=0.4, opt=”OG”, query=”SELECT TOP 100 p.objID, p.ra, p.dec, p.r FROM fGetObjFromRectEq(197.6,18.4,197.7,18.5) n, PhotoPrimary p WHERE n.objID=p.objID”)

SciServer.SkyServer.objectSearch(objId=None, specObjId=None, apogee_id=None, apstar_id=None, ra=None, dec=None, plate=None, mjd=None, fiber=None, run=None, rerun=None, camcol=None, field=None, obj=None, dataRelease=None)

Gets the properties of the the object that is being searched for. Search parameters:

  • objId – SDSS ObjId.
  • specObjId – SDSS SpecObjId.
  • apogee_id – ID idetifying Apogee target object.
  • apstar_id – unique ID for combined apogee star spectrum.
  • ra – right ascention.
  • dec – declination.
  • plate – SDSS plate number.
  • mjd – Modified Julian Date of observation.
  • fiber – SDSS fiber number.
  • run – SDSS run number.
  • rerun – SDSS rerun number.
  • camcol – SDSS camera column.
  • field – SDSS field number.
  • obj – The object id within a field.
  • dataRelease – SDSS data release string. Example: dataRelease=’DR13’. Default value already set in SciServer.Config.DataRelease

Returns a list containing the properties and metadata of the astronomical object found.


Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyServer API returns an error.


object = SkyServer.objectSearch(ra=258.25, dec=64.05)

See also

SkyServer.sqlSearch, SkyServer.rectangularSearch, SkyServer.radialSearch.

SciServer.SkyServer.radialSearch(ra, dec, radius=1, coordType='equatorial', whichPhotometry='optical', limit='10', dataRelease=None)

Runs a query in the SDSS database that searches for all objects within a certain radius from a point in the sky, and retrieves the result table as a Panda’s dataframe.

  • ra – Right Ascension of the image’s center.
  • dec – Declination of the image’s center.
  • radius – Search radius around the (ra,dec) coordinate in the sky. Measured in arcminutes.
  • coordType – Type of celestial coordinate system. Can be set to “equatorial” or “galactic”.
  • whichPhotometry – Type of retrieved data. Can be set to “optical” or “infrared”.
  • limit – Maximum number of rows in the result table (string). If set to “0”, then the function will return all rows.
  • dataRelease – SDSS data release string. Example: dataRelease=’DR13’. Default value already set in SciServer.Config.DataRelease

Returns the results table as a Pandas data frame.


Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyServer API returns an error.


df = SkyServer.radialSearch(ra=258.25, dec=64.05, radius=3)

See also

SkyServer.sqlSearch, SkyServer.rectangularSearch.

SciServer.SkyServer.rectangularSearch(min_ra, max_ra, min_dec, max_dec, coordType='equatorial', whichPhotometry='optical', limit='10', dataRelease=None)

Runs a query in the SDSS database that searches for all objects within a certain rectangular box defined on the the sky, and retrieves the result table as a Panda’s dataframe.

  • min_ra – Minimum value of Right Ascension coordinate that defines the box boundaries on the sky.
  • max_ra – Maximum value of Right Ascension coordinate that defines the box boundaries on the sky.
  • min_dec – Minimum value of Declination coordinate that defines the box boundaries on the sky.
  • max_dec – Maximum value of Declination coordinate that defines the box boundaries on the sky.
  • coordType – Type of celestial coordinate system. Can be set to “equatorial” or “galactic”.
  • whichPhotometry – Type of retrieved data. Can be set to “optical” or “infrared”.
  • limit – Maximum number of rows in the result table (string). If set to “0”, then the function will return all rows.
  • dataRelease – SDSS data release string. Example: dataRelease=’DR13’. Default value already set in SciServer.Config.DataRelease

Returns the results table as a Pandas data frame.


Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyServer API returns an error.


df = SkyServer.rectangularSearch(min_ra=258.2, max_ra=258.3, min_dec=64,max_dec=64.1)

See also

SkyServer.sqlSearch, SkyServer.radialSearch.

SciServer.SkyServer.sqlSearch(sql, dataRelease=None)

Executes a SQL query to the SDSS database, and retrieves the result table as a dataframe. Maximum number of rows retrieved is set currently to 500,000.

  • sql – a string containing the sql query
  • dataRelease – SDSS data release (string). E.g, ‘DR13’. Default value already set in SciServer.Config.DataRelease

Returns the results table as a Pandas data frame.


Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyServer API returns an error.


df = SkyServer.sqlSearch(sql=”select 1”)

See also

CasJobs.executeQuery, CasJobs.submitJob.

SciServer.SkyQuery module


Cancels a single job (more info in

Parameters:jobId – the ID of the job, which is obtained at the moment of submitting the job.
Returns:Returns True if the job was cancelled successfully.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.
Example:isCanceled = SkyQuery.cancelJob(SkyQuery.submitJob(“select 1 as foo”))

See also

SkyQuery.submitJob, SkyQuery.getJobStatus

SciServer.SkyQuery.dropTable(tableName, datasetName='MyDB')

Drops (deletes) a table from the user database (more info in

  • tableName – name of table (string) within dataset.
  • datasetName – name of dataset or database context (string).

returns True if the table was deleted successfully.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.


result = SkyQuery.dropTable(“myTable”, datasetName=”MyDB”)

See also

SkyQuery.listQueues, SkyQuery.listAllDatasets, SkyQuery.getDatasetInfo, SkyQuery.listDatasetTables, SkyQuery.getTableInfo, SkyQuery.getTable, SkyQuery.submitJob


Gets information related to a particular dataset (more info in

Parameters:datasetName – name of dataset (string).
Returns:returns a dictionary containing the dataset information.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.
Example:info = SkyQuery.getDatasetInfo(“MyDB”)

See also

SkyQuery.listQueues, SkyQuery.listAllDatasets, SkyQuery.listDatasetTables, SkyQuery.getTableInfo, SkyQuery.listTableColumns, SkyQuery.getTable, SkyQuery.dropTable


Gets the status of a job, as well as other related metadata (more info in

Parameters:jobId – the ID of the job (string), which is obtained at the moment of submitting the job.
Returns:a dictionary with the job status and other related metadata.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.
Example:status = SkyQuery.getJobStatus(SkyQuery.submitJob(“select 1 as foo”))

See also

SkyQuery.submitJob, SkyQuery.cancelJob

Returns information about a particular job queue (more info in
Parameters:queue – queue name (string)
Returns:a dictionary containing information associated to the queue.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.
Example:queueInfo = SkyQuery.getQueueInfo(‘quick’)

See also

SkyQuery.listQueues, SkyQuery.submitJob, SkyQuery.getJobStatus

SciServer.SkyQuery.getTable(tableName, datasetName='MyDB', top=None)

Returns a dataset table as a pandas DataFrame (more info in

  • tableName – name of table (string) within dataset.
  • datasetName – name of dataset or database context (string).
  • top – number of top rows retrieved (integer).

returns the table as a Pandas dataframe.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.


table = SkyQuery.getTable(“myTable”, datasetName=”MyDB”, top=10)

See also

SkyQuery.listQueues, SkyQuery.listAllDatasets, SkyQuery.getDatasetInfo, SkyQuery.listDatasetTables, SkyQuery.getTableInfo, SkyQuery.dropTable, SkyQuery.submitJob

SciServer.SkyQuery.getTableInfo(tableName, datasetName='MyDB')

Returns info about a particular table belonging to a dataset (more info in

  • tableName – name of table (string) within dataset.
  • datasetName – name of dataset (string).

returns a dictionary containing the table properties and associated info/metadata.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.


info = SkyQuery.getTableInfo(“myTable”, datasetName=”MyDB”)

See also

SkyQuery.listQueues, SkyQuery.listAllDatasets, SkyQuery.getDatasetInfo, SkyQuery.listDatasetTables, SkyQuery.listTableColumns, SkyQuery.getTable, SkyQuery.dropTable


Lists all available datasets (more info in

Returns:returns dataset definitions as a list object.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.
Example:datasets = SkyQuery.listAllDatasets()

See also

SkyQuery.listQueues, SkyQuery.getDatasetInfo, SkyQuery.listDatasetTables, SkyQuery.getTableInfo, SkyQuery.listTableColumns, SkyQuery.getTable, SkyQuery.dropTable


Returns a list of all tables within a dataset (more info in

Parameters:datasetName – name of dataset (string).
Returns:returns a list containing the tables and associated descriptions/metadata.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.
Example:tables = SkyQuery.listDatasetTables(“MyDB”)

See also

SkyQuery.listQueues, SkyQuery.listAllDatasets, SkyQuery.getDatasetInfo, SkyQuery.getTableInfo, SkyQuery.listTableColumns, SkyQuery.getTable, SkyQuery.dropTable


Lists the jobs in the queue in descending order by submission time. Only jobs of the authenticated user are listed (more info in

Parameters:queue – queue name (string). Can be set to ‘quick’ for a quick job, or ‘long’ for a long job.
Returns:returns job definitions as a list object.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.
Example:jobsList = SkyQuery.listJobs(‘quick’)

See also

SkyQuery.getJobStatus, SkyQuery.listQueues


Returns a list of all available job queues and related metadata (more info in

Returns:a list of all available job queues and related metadata.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.
Example:queueList = SkyQuery.listQueues()

See also

SkyQuery.getQueueInfo, SkyQuery.submitJob, SkyQuery.getJobStatus

SciServer.SkyQuery.listTableColumns(tableName, datasetName='MyDB')

Returns a list of all columns in a table belonging to a particular dataset (more info in

  • tableName – name of table (string) within dataset.
  • datasetName – name of dataset (string).

returns a list containing the columns and associated descriptions.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.


columns = SkyQuery.listTableColumns(“myTable”, datasetName=”MyDB”)

See also

SkyQuery.listQueues, SkyQuery.listAllDatasets, SkyQuery.getDatasetInfo, SkyQuery.listDatasetTables, SkyQuery.getTableInfo, SkyQuery.getTable, SkyQuery.dropTable

SciServer.SkyQuery.submitJob(query, queue='quick')

Submits a new job (more info in

  • query – sql query (string)
  • queue – queue name (string). Can be set to ‘quick’ for a quick job, or ‘long’ for a long job.

returns the jobId (string), unique identifier of the job.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.


jobId = SkyQuery.submitJob(‘select 1 as foo’, “quick”)

See also

SkyQuery.getJobStatus, SkyQuery.listQueues

SciServer.SkyQuery.uploadTable(uploadData, tableName, datasetName='MyDB', format='csv')

Uploads a data table into a database (more info in

  • uploadData – data table, for now accepted in CSV string format.
  • tableName – name of table (string) within dataset.
  • datasetName – name of dataset or database context (string).
  • format – format of the ‘data’ parameter. Set to ‘csv’ for now.

returns True if the table was uploaded successfully.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.


result = SkyQuery.uploadTable(“Column1,Column2n4.5,5.5n”, tableName=”myTable”, datasetName=”MyDB”, format=”csv”)

See also

SkyQuery.listQueues, SkyQuery.listAllDatasets, SkyQuery.getDatasetInfo, SkyQuery.listDatasetTables, SkyQuery.getTableInfo, SkyQuery.getTable, SkyQuery.submitJob

SciServer.SkyQuery.waitForJob(jobId, verbose=False, pollTime=5)

Queries regularly the job status and waits until the job is completed.

  • jobId – id of job (integer)
  • verbose – if True, will print “wait” messages on the screen while the job is still running. If False, will suppress the printing of messages on the screen.
  • pollTime – idle time interval (integer, in seconds) before querying again for the job status. Minimum value allowed is 5 seconds.

After the job is finished, returns a dictionary object containing the job status and related metadata.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the SkyQuery API returns an error.


SkyQuery.waitForJob(SkyQuery.submitJob(“select 1”))

See also

SkyQuery.submitJob, SkyQuery.getJobStatus.

SciServer.Files module

SciServer.Files.createDir(fileService, path, quiet=True)

Create a directory.

  • fileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines a file service. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • path – path (in the remote file service) to the directory (string), starting from the root volume level. Example: rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume/directory
  • quiet – If set to False, it will throw an error if the directory already exists. If set to True. it will not throw an error.

Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the FileService API returns an error.


fileServices = Files.getFileServices(); Files.createDir(fileServices[0], “myRootVolume”,”myUserVolume”, “myNewDir”);

See also

Files.getFileServices(), Files.getFileServiceFromName, Files.delete, Files.upload,, Files.dirList

SciServer.Files.createUserVolume(fileService, path, quiet=True)

Create a user volume.

  • fileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines the file service that contains the user volume. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • path – path (in the remote file service) to the user volume (string), starting from the root volume level. Example: rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume
  • quiet – if set to False, will throw an error if the User Volume already exists. If True, won’t throw an error.

Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the FileService API returns an error.


fileServices = Files.getFileServices(); Files.createUserVolume(fileServices[0], “volumes”,”newUserVolume”);

See also

Files.getFileServices(), Files.getFileServiceFromName, Files.delete, Files.upload,, Files.dirList

SciServer.Files.delete(fileService, path, quiet=True)

Deletes a directory or file in the File System.

  • fileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines a file service. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • path – String defining the path (in the remote fileService) of the file or directory to be deleted, starting from the root volume level. Example: rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume/fileToBeDeleted.txt.
  • quiet – If set to False, it will throw an error if the file does not exist. If set to True. it will not throw an error.

Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the FileService API returns an error.


fileServices = Files.getFileServices(); isDeleted = Files.delete(“/myUselessFile.txt”,”persistent”,”myUserName”, fileServices[0]);

See also

Files.getFileServices(), Files.getFileServiceFromName, Files.createDir, Files.upload,, Files.dirList

SciServer.Files.deleteUserVolume(fileService, path, quiet=True)

Delete a user volume.

  • fileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines the file service that contains the root volume. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • path – path (in the remote file service) to the user volume (string), starting from the root volume level. Example: rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume
  • quiet – If set to False, it will throw an error if user volume does not exists. If set to True. it will not throw an error.

Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the FileService API returns an error.


fileServices = Files.getFileServices(); Files.deleteUserVolume(“volumes”,”newUserVolume”,fileServices[0]);

See also

Files.getFileServices(), Files.getFileServiceFromName, Files.delete, Files.upload,, Files.dirList

SciServer.Files.dirList(fileService, path, level=1, options='')

Lists the contents of a directory.

  • fileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines a file service. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • path – String defining the path (in the remote file service) of the directory to be listed, starting from the root volume level. Example: rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume/directoryToBeListed.
  • level – amount (int) of listed directory levels that are below or at the same level to that of the relativePath.
  • options – string of file filtering options.

dictionary containing the directory listing.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the FileService API returns an error.


fileServices = Files.getFileServices(); dirs = Files.dirList(“/”,”persistent”,”myUserName”, fileServices[0], 2);

See also

Files.getFileServices(), Files.getFileServiceFromName, Files.delete, Files.upload,, Files.createDir, path, localFilePath=None, format='txt', quiet=True)

Downloads a file from the remote file system into the local file system, or returns the file content as an object in several formats.

  • fileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines a file service. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • path – String defining the path (in the remote file service) of the file to be downloaded, starting from the root volume level. Example: rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume/fileToBeDownloaded.txt.
  • localFilePath – local destination path of the file to be downloaded. If set to None, then an object of format ‘format’ will be returned.
  • format – name (string) of the returned object’s type (if localFilePath is not defined). This parameter can be “StringIO” (io.StringIO object containing readable text), “BytesIO” (io.BytesIO object containing readable binary data), “response” ( the HTTP response as an object of class requests.Response) or “txt” (a text string). If the parameter ‘localFilePath’ is defined, then the ‘format’ parameter is not used and the file is downloaded to the local file system instead.
  • userVolumeOwner – name (string) of owner of the volume. Can be left undefined if requester is the owner of the volume.
  • quiet – If set to False, it will throw an error if the file already exists. If set to True. it will not throw an error.

If the ‘localFilePath’ parameter is defined, then it will return True when the file is downloaded successfully in the local file system. If the ‘localFilePath’ is not defined, then the type of the returned object depends on the value of the ‘format’ parameter (either io.StringIO, io.BytesIO, requests.Response or string).


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the FileService API returns an error.


fileServices = Files.getFileServices(); isDownloaded = Files.upload(“/myUploadedFile.txt”,”persistent”,”myUserName”, fileServices[0], localFilePath=”/myDownloadedFile.txt”);

See also

Files.getFileServices(), Files.getFileServiceFromName, Files.createDir, Files.delete, Files.upload, Files.dirList

SciServer.Files.getFileServiceFromName(fileServiceName, fileServices=None, verbose=True)

Returns a FileService object, given its registered name.

  • fileServiceName – name of the FileService, as shown within the results of Files.getFileServices()
  • fileServices – a list of FileService objects (dictionaries), as returned by Files.getFileServices(). If not set, then an extra internal call to Jobs.getFileServices() is made.
  • verbose – boolean parameter defining whether warnings will be printed (set to True) or not (set to False).

a FileService object (dictionary) that defines a FileService. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Jobs.getFileServices(). If no fileService can be found, then returns None.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the RACM API returns an error.


fileService = Files.getFileServiceFromName(‘FileServiceAtJHU’);

See also



Gets the definitions of file services that a user is able to access. A FileService represents a file system that contains root volumes accessible to the user for public/private data storage. Within each rootVolume, users can create sharable userVolumes for storing files.

Parameters:verbose – boolean parameter defining whether warnings will be printed (set to True) or not (set to False).
Returns:list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents the description of a FileService that the user is able to access.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the RACM API returns an error.
Example:fileServices = Files.getFileServices();

See also


SciServer.Files.getFileServicesNames(fileServices=None, verbose=True)

Returns the names and description of the fileServices available to the user.

  • fileServices – a list of FileService objects (dictionaries), as returned by Files.getFileServices(). If not set, then an extra internal call to Jobs.getFileServices() is made.
  • verbose – boolean parameter defining whether warnings will be printed (set to True) or not (set to False).

an array of dicts, where each dict has the name and description of a file service available to the user.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the RACM API returns an error.


fileServiceNames = Files.getFileServicesNames();

See also


SciServer.Files.getRootVolumesInfo(fileService, verbose=True)

Gets the names and descriptions of root volumes available to the user in a particular FileService.

  • fileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines a file service. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • verbose – boolean parameter defining whether warnings will be printed (set to True) or not (set to False).

list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains the name and description of a root volume.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the RACM API returns an error.


fileServices = Files.getFileServices(); rootVolumesInfo = getRootVolumesInfo(fileServices[0])

See also


SciServer.Files.getUserVolumesInfo(fileService, rootVolumeName=None, verbose=True)

Gets the names definitions the RootVolumes available in a particular FileService, and of the file services that a user is able to access.

  • fileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines a file service. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • rootVolumeName – name of root Volume (string) for which the user volumes are fetched. If set to None, then user volumes in all root folders are fetched.
  • verbose – boolean parameter defining whether warnings will be printed (set to True) or not (set to False).

list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains the name and description of a root volumes that a user is able to access.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the RACM API returns an error.


fileServices = Files.getFileServices(); rootVolumeNames = Files.getUserVolumesInfo(fileServices[0])

See also


SciServer.Files.move(fileService, path, destinationFileService, destinationPath, replaceExisting=True, doCopy=True)

Moves or copies a file or folder.

  • fileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines a file service. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • path – String defining the origin path (in the remote fileService) of the file or directory to be copied/moved, starting from the root volume level. Example: rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume/fileToBeMoved.txt.
  • destinationFileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines a destination file service (where the file is moved/copied into). A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • destinationRelativePath – String defining the destination path (in the remote destinationFileService) of the file or directory to be copied/moved, starting from the root volume level. Example: rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume/recentlyMovedFile.txt.
  • replaceExisting – If set to False, it will throw an error if the file already exists, If set to True, it will not throw and eeror in that case.
  • doCopy – if set to True, then it will copy the file or folder. If set to False, then the file or folder will be moved.

Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the FileService API returns an error.


fileServices = Files.getFileServices(); isDownloaded = Files.upload(“/myUploadedFile.txt”,”persistent”,”myUserName”, fileServices[0], localFilePath=”/myDownloadedFile.txt”);

See also

Files.getFileServices(), Files.getFileServiceFromName, Files.createDir, Files.delete, Files.upload, Files.dirList

SciServer.Files.shareUserVolume(fileService, path, sharedWith, allowedActions, type='USER')

Shares a user volume with another user or group

  • fileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines a file service. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • path – String defining the path (in the remote fileService) of the user volume to be shared, starting from the root volume level. Example: rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume.
  • sharedWith – name (string) of user or group that the user volume is shared with.
  • allowedActions – array of strings defining actions the user or group is allowed to do with respect to the shared user volume. E.g.: [“read”,”write”,”grant”,”delete”]. The “grant” action means that the user or group can also share the user volume with another user or group. The “delete” action meand ability to delete the user volume (use with care).
  • type – type (string) of the entity defined by the “sharedWith” parameter. Can be set to “USER” or “GROUP”.

Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the FileService API returns an error.


fileServices = Files.shareUserVolume(); isDeleted = Files.delete(“/myUselessFile.txt”,”persistent”,”myUserName”, fileServices[0]);

See also

Files.getFileServices(), Files.getFilrmsieServiceFromName, Files.createDir, Files.upload,, Files.dirList


Splits a path of the form rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume/relativePath/… into its 4 components: rootVolume, userVolumeOwner, userVolume, and relativePath.

Parameters:path – file system path (string), starting from the root volume level. Example: rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume/relativePath…
Returns:a tuple containing the four components: (rootVolume, userVolumeOwner, userVolume, relativePath)
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the FileService API returns an error.
Example:fileServices = Files.getFileServices(); Files.createUserVolume(fileServices[0], “volumes”,”newUserVolume”);

See also

Files.getFileServices(), Files.getFileServiceFromName

SciServer.Files.upload(fileService, path, data='', localFilePath=None, quiet=True)

Uploads data or a local file into a path defined in the file system.

  • fileService – name of fileService (string), or object (dictionary) that defines a file service. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Files.getFileServices().
  • path – path (in the remote file service) to the destination file (string), starting from the root volume level. Example: rootVolume/userVolumeOwner/userVolume/destinationFile.txt
  • data – string containing data to be uploaded, in case localFilePath is not set.
  • localFilePath – path to a local file to be uploaded (string),
  • userVolumeOwner – name (string) of owner of the userVolume. Can be left undefined if requester is the owner of the user volume.
  • quiet – If set to False, it will throw an error if the file already exists. If set to True. it will not throw an error.

Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the FileService API returns an error.


fileServices = Files.getFileServices(); Files.upload(fileServices[0], “myRootVolume”, “myUserVolume”, “/myUploadedFile.txt”, None, None, localFilePath=”/myFile.txt”);

See also

Files.getFileServices(), Files.getFileServiceFromName, Files.createDir, Files.delete,, Files.dirList

SciServer.Jobs module


Cancels the execution of a job.

Parameters:jobId – Id of the job (integer)
Raises:Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error. Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error.
Example:job = Jobs.submitShellCommandJob(Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains()[0],’pwd’, ‘Python (astro)’); isCanceled = Jobs.cancelJob(job.get(‘id’));

See also

Jobs.submitNotebookJob, Jobs.getJobStatus, Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains.

SciServer.Jobs.getDockerComputeDomainFromName(dockerComputeDomainName, dockerComputeDomains=None)

Returns a DockerComputeDomain object, given its registered name.

  • dockerComputeDomainName – name of the DockerComputeDomainName, as shown within the results of Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains()
  • dockerComputeDomains – a list of dockerComputeDomain objects (dictionaries), as returned by Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains(). If not set, then an internal call to Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains() is made.

a DockerComputeDomain object (dictionary) that defines a Docker compute domain. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains().


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error.


dockerComputeDomain = Jobs.getDockerComputeDomainFromName(‘dockerComputeDomainAtJHU’);

See also

Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains, Jobs.getRDBComputeDomains, Jobs.getRDBComputeDomainFromName


Gets a list of all registered Docker compute domains that the user has access to.

Returns:a list of dictionaries, each one containing the definition of a Docker compute domain.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error.
Example:dockerComputeDomains = Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains();

See also

Jobs.submitShellCommandJob, Jobs.getJobStatus, Jobs.getRDBComputeDomains, Jobs.cancelJob


Returns the names of the docker compute domains available to the user.

Parameters:dockerComputeDomains – a list of dockerComputeDomain objects (dictionaries), as returned by Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains(). If not set, then an extra internal call to Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains() is made.
Returns:an array of strings, each being the name of a docker compute domain available to the user.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the RACM API returns an error.
Example:dockerComputeDomainsNames = Files.getDockerComputeDomainsNames();

See also



Gets the definition of the job,

Parameters:jobId – Id of job
Returns:dictionary containing the description or definition of the job.
Raises:Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error, and if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error.
Example:job1 = Jobs.submitShellCommandJob(Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains()[0],’pwd’, ‘Python (astro)’); job2 = Jobs.getJobDescription(job1.get(‘id’));

See also

Jobs.submitShellCommandJob, Jobs.getJobStatus, Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains, Jobs.cancelJob


Gets a dictionary with the job status as an integer value, together with its semantic meaning. The integer value is a power of 2, that is, 1:PENDING, 2:QUEUED, 4:ACCEPTED, 8:STARTED, 16:FINISHED, 32:SUCCESS, 64:ERROR and 128:CANCELED

Parameters:jobId – Id of job (integer).
Returns:dictionary with the integer value of the job status, as well as its semantic meaning.
Raises:Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error, and if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error.
Example:jobId = Jobs.submitShellCommandJob(Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains()[0],’pwd’, ‘Python (astro)’); status = Jobs.getJobStatus(jobId);

See also

Jobs.submitShellCommandJob, Jobs.getJobStatus, Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains, Jobs.cancelJob

SciServer.Jobs.getJobsList(top=10, open=None, start=None, end=None, type='all')

Gets the list of Jobs submitted by the user.

  • top – top number of jobs (integer) returned. If top=None, then all jobs are returned.
  • open – If set to ‘True’, then only returns jobs that have not finished executing and wrapped up (status <= FINISHED). If set to ‘False’ then only returnes jobs that are still running. If set to ‘None’, then returns both finished and unfinished jobs.
  • start – The earliest date (inclusive) to search for jobs, in string format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS. If set to ‘None’, then there is no lower bound on date.
  • end – The latest date (inclusive) to search for jobs, in string format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS. If set to ‘None’, then there is no upper bound on date.
  • type – type (string) of jobs returned. Can take values of ‘rdb’ (for returning only relational database jobs), ‘docker’ (for returning only Docker jobs) and ‘all’ (all job types are returned).

a list of dictionaries, each one containing the definition of a submitted job.


Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error, and if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error.


jobs = Jobs.getJobsList(top=2);

See also

Jobs.submitNotebookJob, Jobs.submitShellCommandJob, Jobs.getJobStatus, Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains, Jobs.cancelJob

SciServer.Jobs.getRDBComputeDomainFromName(rdbComputeDomainName, rdbComputeDomains=None)

Returns an RDBComputeDomain object, given its registered name.

  • rdbComputeDomainName – name of the RDBComputeDomainName, as shown within the results of Jobs.getRDBComputeDomains()
  • rdbComputeDomains – a list of rdbComputeDomain objects (dictionaries), as returned by Jobs.getRDBComputeDomains(). If not set, then an extra internal call to Jobs.getRDBComputeDomains() is made.

an RDBComputeDomain object (dictionary) that defines an RDB compute domain. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Jobs.getRDBComputeDomains().


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error.


rdbComputeDomain = Jobs.getRDBComputeDomainFromName(‘rdbComputeDomainAtJHU’);

See also

Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains, Jobs.getRDBComputeDomains, Jobs.getDockerComputeDomainFromName


Gets a list of all registered Relational Database (RDB) compute domains that the user has access to.

Returns:a list of dictionaries, each one containing the definition of an RDB compute domain.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error.
Example:rdbComputeDomains = Jobs.getRDBComputeDomains();

See also

Jobs.submitShellCommandJob, Jobs.getJobStatus, Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains, Jobs.cancelJob


Returns the names of the RDB compute domains available to the user.

Parameters:rdbComputeDomains – a list of rdbComputeDomain objects (dictionaries), as returned by Jobs.getRDBComputeDomains(). If not set, then an extra internal call to Jobs.getRDBComputeDomains() is made.
Returns:an array of strings, each being the name of a rdb compute domain available to the user.
Raises:Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the RACM API returns an error.
Example:dockerComputeDomainsNames = Files.getDockerComputeDomainsNames();

See also


SciServer.Jobs.submitNotebookJob(notebookPath, dockerComputeDomain=None, dockerImageName=None, userVolumes=None, dataVolumes=None, resultsFolderPath='', parameters='', jobAlias='')

Submits a Jupyter Notebook for execution (as an asynchronous job) inside a Docker compute domain.

  • notebookPath – path of the notebook within the filesystem mounted in SciServer-Compute (string). Example: notebookPath = ‘/home/idies/worskpace/persistent/JupyterNotebook.ipynb’
  • dockerComputeDomain – object (dictionary) that defines a Docker compute domain. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains().
  • dockerImageName – name (string) of the Docker image for executing the notebook. E.g., dockerImageName=”Python (astro)”. An array of available Docker images is defined as the ‘images’ property in the dockerComputeDomain object.
  • userVolumes – a list with the names of user volumes (with optional write permissions) that will be mounted to the docker Image. E.g.: userVolumes = [{‘name’:’persistent’, ‘needsWriteAccess’:False},{‘name’:’scratch’, , ‘needsWriteAccess’:True}] . A list of available user volumes can be found as the ‘userVolumes’ property in the dockerComputeDomain object. If userVolumes=None, then all available user volumes are mounted, with ‘needsWriteAccess’ = True if the user has Write permissions on the volume.
  • dataVolumes – a list with the names of data volumes that will be mounted to the docker Image. E.g.: dataVolumes=[{“name”:”SDSS_DAS”}, {“name”:”Recount”}]. A list of available data volumes can be found as the ‘volumes’ property in the dockerComputeDomain object. If dataVolumes=None, then all available data volumes are mounted.
  • resultsFolderPath – full path to results folder (string) where the original notebook is copied to and executed. E.g.: /home/idies/workspace/rootVolume/username/userVolume/jobsFolder. If not set, then a default folder will be set automatically.
  • parameters – string containing parameters that the notebook might need during its execution. This string is written in the ‘parameters.txt’ file in the same directory level where the notebook is being executed.
  • jobAlias – alias (string) of job, defined by the user.

the job ID (int)


Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error. Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error, or if the volumes defined by the user are not available in the Docker compute domain.


dockerComputeDomain = Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains()[0]; job = Jobs.submitNotebookJob(‘/home/idies/workspace/persistent/Notebook.ipynb’, dockerComputeDomain, ‘Python (astro)’, [{‘name’:’persistent’},{‘name’:’scratch’, ‘needsWriteAccess’:True}], [{‘name’:’SDSS_DAS’}], ‘param1=1nparam2=2nparam3=3’,’myNewJob’)

See also

Jobs.submitShellCommandJob, Jobs.getJobStatus, Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains, Jobs.cancelJob

SciServer.Jobs.submitRDBQueryJob(sqlQuery, rdbComputeDomain=None, databaseContextName=None, resultsName='queryResults', resultsFolderPath='', jobAlias='')

Submits a sql query for execution (as an asynchronous job) inside a relational database (RDB) compute domain.

  • sqlQuery – sql query (string)
  • rdbComputeDomain – object (dictionary) that defines a relational database (RDB) compute domain. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Jobs.getRDBComputeDomains().
  • databaseContextName – database context name (string) on which the sql query is executed.
  • resultsName – name (string) of the table or file (without file type ending) that contains the query result. In case the sql query has multiple statements, should be set to a list of names (e.g., [‘result1’,’result2’]).
  • resultsFolderPath – full path to results folder (string) where query output tables are written into. E.g.: /home/idies/workspace/rootVOlume/username/userVolume/jobsFolder . If not set, then a default folder will be set automatically.
  • jobAlias – alias (string) of job, defined by the user.

a dictionary containing the definition of the submitted job.


Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error. Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error, or if the volumes defined by the user are not available in the Docker compute domain.


job = Jobs.submitRDBQueryJob(‘select 1’;,None, None, ‘myQueryResults’, ‘myNewJob’)

See also

Jobs.submitNotebookJob, Jobs.submitShellCommandJob, Jobs.getJobStatus, Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains, Jobs.cancelJob

SciServer.Jobs.submitShellCommandJob(shellCommand, dockerComputeDomain=None, dockerImageName=None, userVolumes=None, dataVolumes=None, resultsFolderPath='', jobAlias='')

Submits a shell command for execution (as an asynchronous job) inside a Docker compute domain.

  • shellCommand – shell command (string) defined by the user.
  • dockerComputeDomain – object (dictionary) that defines a Docker compute domain. A list of these kind of objects available to the user is returned by the function Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains().
  • dockerImageName – name (string) of the Docker image for executing the notebook. E.g., dockerImageName=”Python (astro)”. An array of available Docker images is defined as the ‘images’ property in the dockerComputeDomain object.
  • userVolumes – a list with the names of user volumes (with optional write permissions) that will be mounted to the docker Image. E.g., userVolumes = [{‘name’:’persistent’, ‘needsWriteAccess’:False},{‘name’:’scratch’, , ‘needsWriteAccess’:True}] A list of available user volumes can be found as the ‘userVolumes’ property in the dockerComputeDomain object. If userVolumes=None, then all available user volumes are mounted, with ‘needsWriteAccess’ = True if the user has Write permissions on the volume.
  • dataVolumes – a list with the names of data volumes that will be mounted to the docker Image. E.g., dataVolumes=[{“name”:”SDSS_DAS”}, {“name”:”Recount”}]. A list of available data volumes can be found as the ‘volumes’ property in the dockerComputeDomain object. If dataVolumes=None, then all available data volumes are mounted.
  • resultsFolderPath – full path to results folder (string) where the shell command is executed. E.g.: /home/idies/workspace/rootVolume/username/userVolume/jobsFolder. If not set, then a default folder will be set automatically.
  • jobAlias – alias (string) of job, defined by the user.

the job ID (int)


Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the Authentication URL returns an error. Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error, or if the volumes defined by the user are not available in the Docker compute domain.


dockerComputeDomain = Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains()[0]; job = Jobs.submitShellCommandJob(‘pwd’, dockerComputeDomain, ‘Python (astro)’, [{‘name’:’persistent’},{‘name’:’scratch’, ‘needsWriteAccess’:True}], [{‘name’:’SDSS_DAS’}], ‘myNewJob’)

See also

Jobs.submitNotebookJob, Jobs.getJobStatus, Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains, Jobs.cancelJob

SciServer.Jobs.waitForJob(jobId, verbose=False, pollTime=5)

Queries regularly the job status and waits until the job is completed.

  • jobId – id of job (integer)
  • verbose – if True, will print “wait” messages on the screen while the job is still running. If False, will suppress the printing of messages on the screen.
  • pollTime – idle time interval (integer, in seconds) before querying again for the job status. Minimum value allowed is 5 seconds.

After the job is finished, returns a dictionary object containing the job definition.


Throws an exception if the user is not logged into SciServer (use Authentication.login for that purpose). Throws an exception if the HTTP request to the JOBM API returns an error.


dockerComputeDomain = Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains()[0]; job = Jobs.submitShellCommandJob(dockerComputeDomain,’pwd’, ‘Python (astro)’);Jobs.waitForJob(job.get(‘id’))

See also

Jobs.getJobStatus, Jobs.getDockerComputeDomains, Jobs.submitNotebookJob, Jobs.submitShellCommandJob